Sunday 1 May 2022

I should be dead podcast episode #8

#8 Mayday ! 

Mayday is an important day to me. 

This is a  first splurge of material. All a little random. All recordings for this project are in this google drive folder - they should be downloadable.

My Mayday podacst recording is this file here

The purpose of these recordings so far  is to start to build myself up to begin the true mission. It is twofold:

1. For a decade i have listened to so many speaking about health and other matters connected with existence over age fifty. But no one speaks of any of it in an ALIVE way which makes one grateful to be this age, and look forward to MANY more years no matter what disasters occur.

I learned to only think that way the last decade. I intend sharing my thoughts on how i managed to get there and why.  And i had every reason under the sun to be destroyed by certain events over a few years in the early 2010s. No - i wouldn't have had it any other way. I have had for twelve years every 'risk factor' for becoming badly ill - physical and mental. Falling into depression or worse. I never have. 

2. I listen to the public conversation on prices going up, and as of 2020 futures less secure. All i hear is the negative side. I wish to give the many silver linings but also talk about how i have lived on absolutely nothing for years and would not have it any other way. Thrift and SIMPLIFYING by necessity are such energising things. They focus you on what it means to be truly alive. Yes, well after age 50. 

 No moaning here.